Registered Charity Number: 1090972
Shabbat Service, Saturday at 10.30am
Want to join us? Contact the Rabbi

Parashat Pekudei
פָּרָשַׁת פְקוּדֵי

  • 29th March 2025
  • 29th Adar 5785
  • Torah: Exodus 38:21-40:38
  • Zera Avraham

    Come and join us this shabbat!

    Take a look at our 2020 Promotional Video!

    We are in the process of looking for a new home, and if you would like to continue to support us, please use the PayPal link below

    Welcome to Zera Avraham Synagogue!

    Zera Avraham (Seed of Abraham) is a body of Messianic believers having come together as a Congregation for both Jew by birth and Jew by choice, for the purpose of worshipping G-d, proclamation of Yeshua HaMashiach and the general advancement of a lifestyle based on Biblical Truth.

    We are members of the Union of British Messianic Synagogues

    Congregational Leader
    Rabbi Boaz Sabey
    Rebbetzin Avi’gayil Sabey
    Avi’gayil Sabey